Top Tech Tip

youcanuseatexteditorlikeNotepad++,VisualStudioCode,orSublimeText,whichhasaFindinFilesfeature.OpentheTextEditor.Use ...,DocFetcherisanOpenSourcedesktopsearchapplication:Itallowsyoutosearchthecontentsoffilesonyourcomputer.FastDocumentSearch·Downloa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Effective Methods to Find Text Within Files on Windows

you can use a text editor like Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Sublime Text, which has a Find in Files feature. Open the Text Editor. Use  ...


DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. Fast Document Search · Download · Screenshots


SeekFast is a software tool, allowing you to quickly and easily search text in files on your computer. It supports all common document file types.

Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

What's the best free, non-indexed text search tool out there? All it should do is return a list with files that contain the wanted string inside a folder and ...

Free Tool to search within files (even over a network) [closed]

Notepad++ will do this. Plus it's awesome. And it's free. It will list all the files it finds the text in, with previews so you don't have to open each file.

TextCrawler - Search and replace across text files

This powerful program enables you to instantly find and replace words and phrases across multiple files and folders.

8 Best Free File Search Tools

Another free file and folder search tool is called UltraSearch, which features instant search, context menu integration, and an exclude filter.

[Windows] Software to FAST search certain textstring inside files (.txt ...

Agent Ransack is great. Performance depends on the size of the location or number of folders/files it has to search, but has some nice search options.

What tool will search inside text files? : rsysadmin

For a simple search, Powershell would suffice but for more complex tasks, GrepWin makes more sense. Especially if one is accustomed to grep in ...

Search and find text in files with UltraFinder

How to find text in a file or find text in multiple files with UltraFinder, a text search software for Windows.


youcanuseatexteditorlikeNotepad++,VisualStudioCode,orSublimeText,whichhasaFindinFilesfeature.OpentheTextEditor.Use ...,DocFetcherisanOpenSourcedesktopsearchapplication:Itallowsyoutosearchthecontentsoffilesonyourcomputer.FastDocumentSearch·Download·Screenshots,SeekFastisasoftwaretool,allowingyoutoquicklyandeasilysearchtextinfilesonyourcomputer.Itsupportsallcommondocumentfiletypes.,What'sthebest...

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手
